I watched one of these episodes tonight.
Nothing Endures But Change
Simon contemplates moving into the attic to escape Ruthie's annoying presence. Lucy is devastated when her friend Sarah is involved in a deadly car accident and Lucy feels that she's to blame for the tragedy.
Lucy finds out that her friend, Sarah's, big sister, Jen, lets Sarah drive the car sometimes. Lucy begs her parents to let her go out with Sarah and Jen. Matt drops Lucy off at Pete's Pizza and she waits outside for Sarah and Jen. Meanwhile, Captain Michael's drops by the Camden household to deliver the devastating news. There was an accident. A car wrapped around a telephone pole. One girl was killed instantly, the other one was in a very bad condition.
"Which One?"
You see, I've seen this episode more than a few times. I knew what was going to happen. Yet, it was still this rush of raw emotion.
When Annie gets out of the car and find Lucy standing outside Pete's Pizza, Lucy rushes up to her. She is immediately repentant.... and so innocent. She says she is sorry for going across the street and she will never do this again. Annie takes a deep breath, " Lucy, the car crash. Sarah was killed." They both break down into hysterical sobs in the middle of the promenade.
I started crying. My whole body was tingling with such real emotion. I felt like my own friend had just died in a car crash. It's all so real. It's hard to believe that it's just a show.
What's your favorite raw, emotional episode? I'd love to hear about some other ones I hadn't thought of!
- 7th Heaven Fan