Friday, March 4, 2011

Revival Post

All I can say is... this is surreal. Absolutely Surreal! I haven't posted on this blog since April 10th, 2010! Today, it is March 4th, 2011? A year for all intensive purposes.

I can't believe that it was only last year that I started this blog! It was fun... while it lasted. That "daily posts" thing? It couldn't have been farther from reality.

I've since started 2 other blogs, one which I DO post on everyday and love to do it, too. It's such a fun blog. The name is Faithful Always. The second blog, well I've posted on it. Yeah. It's called Quintessential Quotes, and it is very fun, but I just don't set aside enough time to post there everyday.

I've logged onto blogger daily since the New Year started, everyday glancing down at "7th Heaven Fan Blog" and ignoring it. Well, not anymore! I'm excited to say that this blog is back to stay! (Nothing like an 11 month absence to revive your spirits, right?)

I can't promise a daily post, but I'll shoot for at least 3 days a week. I realized that I love this blog. My "firstborn". I love 7th Heaven! So I'm back.

I've learned so much about blogging since I started Faithful Always. It's amazing! This blog... well it really does look pretty pitiful. I didn't even know what HTML was last April!

I'll be sprucing up the blog and making it look A LOT nicer. This is going to be fun. I'm excited to meet new people and actually Begin this blog. (Those first 5 days don't really count.)

This is the second "unofficial" welcome post. I've got the 7th Heaven playing (A classic: Sundays, from Season 1. You remember... Mary doesn't want the family to go to her game, Simon and Ruthie get lost chasing the mailman....)  A real post is in the works as we speak.

Pop in a disk, sit down at your computer, and join me in the revival of this wonderful blog!

- 7th Heaven Fan (My real name is Sydney, by the way!)

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